March Terror Pogram
March Terror Watch. 129 Persons Killed - Over 633 Injured

Note: Only 7 days in March did NOT have a terrorist attack that RESULTED in someone killed.

( 129 persons were killed during the month of March by PA gunfire and in terror attacks.

March 1st. A soldier was killed by PA gunfire in Jenin. (1)
a) Sgt. Yaakov Avni, 20,

March 2nd. 10 persons were killed in a suicide bombing attack in Jerusalem.s Beit Yisrael neighborhood. A policeman was shot to death near Mishur Adumim. (12)
a) Tzofiyah Ya.arit Eliyahu, 23,
b) Yaakov Avraham Eliyahu, 7 months,
c) Lidor Ilan, 12,
d) Oriyah Ilan, 18-months,
e) Shlomo Nechmad, 40,
f) Gafnit Nechmad, 32,
g) Shiraz Nechmad, 7,
h) Liran Nechman, 3,
i) Shaul Nechmad, 15,
j) Avi Hazan, 37
k) Chief-Supt. Moshe Dayan, 46,

March 3rd. 10 persons were killed in a shooting attack at the Wadi Charamiya Checkpoint in the Shomron. 1 soldier was killed in a shooting attack in Gush Katif in the Kissufim area. (23)
a) IDF Staff-Sergeant Raphael Levy, 42,
b) IDF Staff-Sergeant Avraham Ezra, 38,
c) IDF Staff-Sergeant Yochai Porat, 26,
d) Sergeant Steven Koenigsburg, 19,
e) Captain Ariel Chovav, 25,
f) Yitzhak Didi, 66,
g) IDF Lt. (res.) David Demlin, 29,
h) Serge Bortrov, 33,
i) Staff-Sergeant (res.) Kfir Weiss, 24,
j) Vadim Balgulah, 32,
k) Staff-Sgt. Eran Gad, 24,

March 5th. 1 killed in a suicide bombing attack on No. 823 bus. 1 person was killed in a shooting attack on the Minharot road in Gush Etzion. 3 persons were killed in a shooting/stabbing attack at the Sea Food Market Restaurant in Tel Aviv. (28)
a) Maharatu Tagana, 85
b) Devorah Friedman, 45,
c) Policeman Salim Barakat, 33,
d) Yosef Heiby, 52,
e) Eli Dahan, 53,

March 6th. 2 soldiers killed in Gaza. (30)
a) Cpl.(res.) Alexander Nastarenko, 37,
b) 1st Lt. Pinhas Cohen, 23,

March 7th. 5 students at the Atzmona army preparatory yeshiva were killed by a terrorist infiltrator. (35)
a) Asher Marcus, 18,
b) Aaron Krugliak, 18,
c) Tal Kurtzweil, 18,
d) Ariel Zana, 18,
e) Eran Pikar, 18,

March 8th. A soldier was killed by sniper fire in PA-controlled Tul Karem. (36)
a) Sergeant Edward Korol, 20,

March 9th. 11 persons were killed in a suicide bombing attack in Jerusalem.s Moment Café. 2 persons were killed in a shooting attack in Netanya.s Jeremy Hotel. (49)
a) Elkana Govi, 20,
b) Lior Bat-Shoham, 27,
c) Orit Ozorov, 28,
d) Livnat Dvash, 28,
e) Avraham Chaim Rachamim, 29,
f) Dan Emuni, 23,
g) Danit Dagan, 25,
h) Tali Eliyahu, 26,
i) Baruch Lerner, 29,
j) Uri Felix, 25,
k) Nir Rachamim Borchov, 22,
l) Netanel Kochavi, 31,
m) Yisrael Yechya, 27,
n) Avihah Malka, 9-months,

March 10th. A soldier was killed by gunfire in Netzarim in Gush Katif. (50) a) St.-Sgt. Kobi Eichelboim, 21,

March 12th. 6 persons were killed in a terrorist shooting attack in the western Galil near Kibbutz Metzubah. 1 person was killed in a shooting attack near Kiryat Sefer. (57)
a) Yehudit Cohen, 33,
b) Alexi Kitman, 29,
c) Lynne Livne, 49,
d) Atarah Livne, 16,
e) Ofer Keneri, 44,
f) IDF Lt. German Rozkov, 25,
g) Eyal Lieberman, 45,

March 13th. An army officer was killed by gunfire in Ramallah. (58) a) Lt. Gil Badihi, 21,

March 14th. Three soldiers were killed in a Gaza bomb attack against a Merkavah tank. (61)
a) First Sergeant Rotem Shani, 19,
b) First Sergeant Matan Biderman, 21,
c) First Sergeant Ala Hubeishi, 20,

March 17th. A teenager was killed by gunfire in a Kfar Saba shooting attack . (62)
a) Noa Auerbach, 16,

March 19th. An army officer was killed in an attack on a Jordan Valley base. (63)
a) 1st Lt. Tal Zemach, 20,

March 20th. 7 persons were killed in an attack on Route 65 in Nahal I.ron against an Egged No. 823 bus. (70)
a) IDF Sgt. Michael Altifero, 19,
b) IDF Warrant Officer Meir Fahima, 40,
c) IDF First-Sergeant Shimon Edri, 20,
d) IDF Corporal Aaron Ravivo, 19,
e) Mogus Mahaneto, 75,
f) Alon Goldenberg, 27,
g) Bella Schneider, 54

March 21st. 3 persons were killed in a bomb attack on Jerusalem.s King George Street. (73)
a) Yitzhak Cohen, 48,
b) IDF Chief Warrant Officer Gad Shemesh, 34,
c) Tzipi Shemesh, 29,

March 24th. A teacher was killed by gunfire directed at a bus as she traveled to work in Ofrah. A resident of Otniel was killed by gunfire traveling in the Southern Hevron Hills area. (75)
a) Esther Kleinman, 23,
b) Avi Sabag, 24,

March 25th. A victim of the 12 December 2001 shooting attack at Emanuel Junction died of his injuries. (76)
a) Rabbi Chaim Chiprot, 52,

March 26th. 2 TIPH Observers were killed by gunfire in the Southern Hevron Hills area. (78)
a) Major Cengiz Soytunc,
b) Catherine Berruex

March 27th. 26 persons were killed in a bombing attack in the Park Hotel in Netanya. (100)
a) Staff-Sgt. Avi Beckerman, 25,
b) Michael Karim, 78,
c) Deborah Karim, 73,
d) Marine Lehman, 77,
e) First-Sgt. Sivan Veder, 21,
f) Ernest Weiss, 80,
g) Eva Weiss, 75,
h) George Jacobovitz, 70,
i) Perla Hermella, 70,
j) Edit Fried, 47,
k) Andrei Fried, 47,
l) Yehudit Korman, 70,
m) Eliyahu Nakash, 85,
n) Shulamit Abramowitz, 70,
o) Lola Lefkowitz, 70,
p) Shimon Ben-Aroya, 42,
q) Irit Rashel, 45,
r) Julia Telmi, 87,
s) Furuk Na.imi, 62,
t) Amiram Hamimi, 45,
u) David Anichovitch, 70,
v) Unknown,
w) Unknown,
x) Unknown,
y) Unknown,
z) Unknown.

March 28th. 4 persons were killed by a terrorist in Elon Moreh (108)
a) Rachel Gavish,
b) David Gavish,
c) Avraham Gavish, 25,
d) Yitzhak Kenner,

March 29th. 2 persons were killed in a stabbing attack in the Gush Katif community of Netzarim. 2 soldiers were killed in fighting in Ramallah. 2 persons were killed in a suicide bombing attack in a Jerusalem shopping center in the Kiryat Yovel neighborhood. (114)
a) Michael Orlinsky
b) Tuvia Vizner
c) 2nd-Lt. Boaz Pomerantz, 22,
d) 1st -Sergeant Roman Schleipstein, 21
e) Chaim Smadar, 55,
f) Rachel Levy, 17,

March 30th. A border policeman was killed by gunfire in Baka el-Garbiya. (115) a) 1st-Sergeant Major Constantine Zanielov, 23,

March 31st. 14 persons were killed in a bombing attack in the Matza Restaurant in Haifa. (129)
a) Dov (Vadav) Tcherenbroda, 67,
b) Shimon Koren, 55,
c) Ron Koren, 18,
d) Gal, 15,
e) Avial Ron, 54,
f) Anat Ron, 21,
g) Ofer Ron, 17,
h) Danielle Mentchell, 22,
i) Orly Ofir,
j) Carlos Vegman, 50,
k) Moshe Levine, 52,
l) Yaakov Shani, 52,
m) Suhil Adawai, 30,
n) Not permitted for publication at this time.

Over 633 persons were wounded in attacks.
Given the number of deaths above, the figure stating the number of wounded unfortunately does not always refer to minor injuries. May G-d give all the wounded speedy and full recoveries.

These figures include:
- 2 infants under the age of 1
- 16 children 1 to 18 years
- 18 aged 62 or older

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