April Terror Pogram
April Terror Watch. 59 persons were killed during the month of April by PLO terror. (IsraelNN.com)

April 1. An army reservist was killed by PA sniper fire in the Har Homa section of Jerusalem. A policeman was killed by a car bomb on Shivtei Yisrael Street in the capital. (2)
a) IDF reservist Sgt.-Maj. Ofir Roth, 22
b) Policeman Tomer Mordehai

April 2. Three victims of 27 March Park Hotel attack died in hospitals. (5)
a) Hannah Rogen, 92,
b) Alta Britwitz, 75,
c) Ze.ev Vider, 50,

April 3. A victim of the 27 March Park Hotel attack died. One soldier was killed in Jenin incursion. Another victim died from 31 March Matza Restaurant bombing attack in Haifa. A soldier was killed in an operational accident in Gush Katif. (9)
a) Frieda Britwitz, 70,
b) Major (reserves) Moshe Gerstner, 29,
c) Carlos Yerushalmi, 52,
d) IDF Sergeant Shmuel Toledano, 20,

April 4. A victim of the 30 March Bialik (My Coffee) Café bombing attack in Tel Aviv died in Ichilov Hospital. A border policeman was killed in fighting in Hevron. 2 soldiers & an officer were killed in fighting in Jenin. (14)
a) Rachel Darchi, 37, from Bat Yam
b) Border Police Superintendent Patrick Pereg
c) Staff-Sergeant Einan Sharabi, 32, of Rechovot
d) 2nd-Lt. Nissim Ben-David, 22
e) Sergeant Gad Yitzhak, 22

April 5. A soldier was killed in the northern Jordan Valley village of Tubas. Two soldiers were killed in fighting in Jenin. (17)
a) Sergeant Merom Fischer, 19,
b) Corporal Oded Kornfein, 20,
c) Sergeant Roy Tal, 21,

April 6. A soldier was killed stopping a terrorist infiltration into Rafiach Yam in Gush Katif. (18)
a) First-Sergeant Nitzan Avraham, 22

April 7. The 27th victim of the 27 March Park Hotel Seder Massacre died of her injuries. (19)
a) Sarah Levy, 89,

April 8. Two soldiers fall in battle in Jenin during Operation Defensive Shield. (21)
a) Sgt. Matanya Robinson, 21,
b) Sgt. Shmuel Weiss, 19,

April 9. 14 soldiers were killed in fighting in Jenin. One soldier was killed by PLO gunfire in Shechem. (36)
a) Major Oded Golomb, 32,
b) Captain Yaakov Azulai, 30,
c) Lt. Dror Bar, 28,
d) Lt. Eyal Yoel, 28,
e) Sgt. Yoram Levy, 33,
f) Sgt. Tiran Arazi, 33,
g) Sgt. Yaakov Yaskov, 34,
h) Sgt. Menashe Chava, 23,
i) Sgt. Eyal Zimmerman, 22,
j) Sgt. Ronen Alshohat, 27,
k) Sgt. Shmuel Danny Meizlish, 27,
l) Sgt. Amit Busidan, 22,
m) Sgt. Eyal Azuri, 27,
n) Gedalyahu Malik, 21,
o) Major Assaf Assulin, 30,

April 10. 8 Persons were killed in a suicide bombing terrorist attack on a bus traveling from Haifa to Jerusalem. (44)
a) Avinoam Alafia, 23
b) Sergeant Shlomo Ben-Haim, 26,
c) Sergeant Nir Danielli, 24,
d) Sergeant Michael Weissman, 21,
e) Border policewoman Keren Franco, 18,
f) Border policewoman Noa Shlomo, 18, from Nahariya,
g) Shimon Stelkol, 35,
h) Sgt.-Maj. (res) Ze'ev Henik, 24,

April 11. Another victim of the 27 March Park Hotel Passover attack died of her injuries brining the death toll to 28. (45)
a) Anna Yakobovitch, 78,

April 12. An army officer wounded on April 9 in Dura died of his injuries during the night. Six persons were killed in a suicide bombing attack at a crowded Jerusalem bus stop at 4:15pm, at the Jaffa St. entrance to the Machane Yehuda marketplace. (53)
a) IDF Lt. Dotan Nachtomi, 22
b) Border police Sergeant David Smirnoff, 22
c) Rivka Fink, 75,
d) Yelena Konrab, 43
e) Nissan Cohen, 57,
f) Zuhila Hushi, 47,
g) Lin Chin Mai, 34,
h) Chai Zin Chang, 32,

April 20. A border policeman was killed by terrorist gunfire at the Erez Industrial Park. (54)
a) Border policeman Corporal Uriel Bar-Maimon, 21,

April 22. A soldier was killed by terrorist gunfire near Shechem by Assira a-Samaliya. (55)
a) IDF Sergeant Nir Kritzman, 22

April 27. 4 persons were killed in a terror attack in the community of Adura. Seven others were wounded in the attack. (59)
a) Katya Greenberg, 45,
b) Danielle Sheffi, 5,
c) Yaakov Katz, 50,
d) Erik Becker, 23

May G-d give all the wounded speedy and full recoveries.

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